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Cedar Falls Quakers

Join Us for Worship and Meditation

The Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) began in England in the 1640s.  For over 300 years, Friends have gathered for meeting in silent expectation.  We have no minister, no altar, no sacraments, no sermon, and no choir. Friends believe that every human is endowed with a measure of Light  (sometimes referred to as God or as the Spirit).  In silence, people can experience this Light directly.  During the silence anyone may feel moved to offer a simple spoken message that is inspired by this holy encounter.  Following the message, the silence resumes.  A period of worship may include several messages or none.


We Welcome You


Sundays, gather at 10:00 am.  Meeting for worship at 10:15 a.m.


Threehouse (Wesley Foundation)

2422 College St.  Cedar Falls, IA

Special Sunday Foci:

First Sunday of each Month:

Brunch Potluck at 11:00 a.m.

Third Sunday of each Month:

Topical discussion of an article, video, etc. at 11 a.m.


Please send us a message with questions about the Cedar Falls Quaker Meeting and/or to request our monthly email newsletter.

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To learn more about Quakers, please visit:


Information about Friends

(courtesy Friends General Conference)


Iowa Yearly Meeting


Quaker Testimonies

(courtesy Philadelphia Friends Meeting)

Our Testimonies

- Simplicity - 
- Peace -
- Integrity - 
- Community -
- Equality - 
- Care for the Earth -
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